Category: Yamaha

Description Yamaha has always strived to provide sound engineers with the purest possible signal instead of added processing or color to give it a “signature” sound, and the MG Series is no exception. Embracing this philosophy of transparent sound, these mixing consoles deliver a level of sonic purity and sound quality that is unmatched in their class. For musical and…

Description Small System, Large Audience, Abundant Opportunities The significance of streaming can’t be overstated. With new forms of content accessible from a myriad of devices, it’s crucial to maintain a high standard when it comes to your audio. Raise the bar with the Yamaha AG06 Mk2, a revamped 6-channel mixer that is a master of multiplicities designed to accommodate streams…

Get Serious About Your Sound The new EMX7 and EMX5 were designed specifically for musicians, performers, or public speakers who put a premium on sound quality and convenient operation, and are ready to take their sound reinforcement to the next level. Despite their compact construction, only speakers and a microphone are required to configure a fully functioning, extremely portable, and…